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Imports and modules:
from config import (np, plt, sys, Madx, interp1d, PyNAFF,
pysixtrack, elements,
M_drift, M_dip_x, M_dip_y,
M_quad_x, M_quad_y,
track, track_sext_4D)
%matplotlib inline
The Hill differential equation (1886 by astronomer George W. Hill) describes the linear focusing for the transverse coordinates $u=x,y$ around the accelerator at any path length $s$:
$$u'' + \kappa(s) u = 0 \quad .$$$\kappa(s)$ denotes the focusing term (e.g. from the quadrupole magnets) which varies along the accelerator ring. Necessarily, $\kappa(s)$ is periodic (with the circumference), which is the key feature of the Hill equation:
$$\kappa(s) = \kappa(s+L)$$where $L$ is the period of the problem (the circumference for us).
is generally solved by the complex solutions
$$\implies\begin{cases}u_1(s) = \omega(s) \cdot e^{i\mu(s)} \\ u_2(s) = \omega^{*}(s) \cdot e^{-i\mu(s)}\end{cases}$$for a (potentially complex) Floquet exponent $\mu(s)$ (we refer to it as phase advance) and the (potentially complex) amplitude function $\omega(s)$. The solutions $u_{1,2}$ have 5 important features!
In accelerator physics, the solutions to Hill equation are coordinates in real space, so $\omega(s)=\omega^*(s),\omega\in\mathbb{R}$.
By convention one typically parametrises $\omega(s)=\sqrt{2J\cdot \beta(s)}$ using "linear action" $J$ and "beta-function" or envelope $\beta(s)$. (Do NOT confuse with the speed $\beta c$).
$\implies$ Solutions pick up a factor $e^{\pm i \mu(L)}$ after one turn:
$$u(s+L)=\underbrace{\omega(s+L)}\limits_{\mathop{=}\omega(s)}\cdot e^{\pm i\mu(s+L)} = \underbrace{\omega(s) \cdot e^{\pm i\mu(s)}}\limits_{\mathop{=}u(s)} \cdot e^{\pm i\mu(L)} = u(s)\cdot e^{\pm i \mu(L)}$$The number $\mu(L)$ is the increase in phase (or "phase advance") during one turn around the accelerator!
For the formal solutions, the Floquet exponent $\mu(s)$ can generally be complex. The eigenvalues of the one-turn matrix $\mathcal{M}_L$ are exactly the factors identified above:
$$\mathcal{M}_L \cdot u = e^{\pm i \mu(L)} \cdot u$$$\implies$ Solutions $u$ describing finite and bounded motion necessarily require this factor to remain on the unit circle:
$$|e^{\pm i \mu(L)}| = 1 \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \mu(L)\in\mathbb{R}$$This corresponds to stable focusing in an accelerator with bounded oscillations around the closed orbit.
In this case, $\mu(s)$ is a real and monotonically increasing function along $s$. It is commonly referred to as the phase advance.
For a general complex number $\mu(L)=\psi + i\lambda$ with $\psi,\lambda\in\mathbb{R}$, one finds
$$u(s+L)=u(s)\cdot \underbrace{e^{\pm i \psi}}\limits_{\text{oscillatory!}} \cdot \underbrace{e^{\pm \lambda}}\limits_{\text{instability for }\lambda\neq 0}$$We have met this imaginary part of $\mu(s)$ in an earlier lecture already: $\lambda$ is the Lyapunov exponent!
Always have two complex conjugate eigenvalues in the one-turn matrix: if one $\lambda<0$ appears, there must be another $\lambda>0$ leading to unstable motion.
For stable motion, find the phase advance relation to the envelope:
$$\psi(s-s_0) = \int_{s_0}^s \frac{d\tilde{s}}{\beta(\tilde{s})}$$In accelerator physics, refer to the phase advance per turn as the (betatron) tune $Q_{x,y}$:
$$\psi_x(L)=2\pi Q_x$$$$\psi_y(L)=2\pi Q_y$$The tune counts the number of oscillations around the ring during one turn.
For a stable accelerator, one finds that the phase advance should stay away from the resonance condition
$$\psi(n\cdot L)\neq 2\pi\cdot m\qquad \text{for } m,n\in\mathbb{N}$$(i.e. after $n$ turns the phase advance becomes an integer multiple of $2\pi$), which is equivalent to demanding for the one-turn matrix
$$\begin{pmatrix}x\\ x'\end{pmatrix}_L = \mathcal{M}_{L,x} \begin{pmatrix}x\\ x'\end{pmatrix}_0 $$to not become the unit matrix after $n$ turns
$$\left(\mathcal{M}_{L,x}\right)^n \neq \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}}\limits_{\mathbb{1}}$$$\implies$ one needs to stay away from low-order resonances where this is fulfilled for low $n$
The Twiss matrix for a periodic lattice with local Twiss parameters $\beta_x, \alpha_x, \gamma_x$ (here for the horizontal plane $x$) reads
with the identity $\beta_x\gamma_x = 1+\alpha_x^2$!
Between two locations $s_0$ and $s_1$, the solution of the Hill differential equation can be expressed in terms of the phase advance $\Delta \psi_x$ and the corresponding local Twiss parameters, $(\beta_x,\alpha_x,\gamma_x)$ at $s_0$ and $s_1$, respectively.
Here, $F$ denotes the Floquet transformation matrix (from physical phase space $x-x'$ to normalised phase space $\eta-\eta'$) and $R\in\mathrm{SO}(2)$ a rotation matrix.
Use the Methodical Accelerator Design (MAD-X
) code to compute the optical Twiss functions *):
*) (behind the scene the code works very similar to what we discussed in the lecture video, Twiss parametrisation of the full-period matrix and transport thereof via betatron matrices)
madx = Madx(stdout=sys.stdout)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + MAD-X 5.08.01 (64 bit, Linux) + + Support:, + + Release date: 2022.02.25 + + Execution date: 2023.12.04 11:01:15 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Define the following periodic beam line of $10\,$m length:
k1l_f := 0.1 * 0.6; // inverse focal length qf
k1l_d := -0.5 * 0.4; // inverse focal length qd
qf: quadrupole, l = 0.6, k1 := k1l_f / 0.6;
qd: quadrupole, l = 0.4, k1 := k1l_d / 0.4;
dip: sbend, l = 0.6, angle := pi / 8;
seq1: sequence, l = 10;
qf, at = 3;
dip, at = 5;
qd, at = 7;
madx.command.beam(particle='proton', energy=1) # energy is in GeV!
# output the Twiss parameters every 0.1m"interpolate", sequence="seq1", step=0.1)
Now we compute the periodic solution to the Hill equation (in terms of the Twiss parameters):
twiss = madx.twiss();
enter Twiss module ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 10 -0 0.09572878063 3.232054955 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 0.2393933525 -0.4979445041 11.70243519 7.345182369 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 6.588466214 0 0 0.2224798695 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms -0.1070464578 11.39223223 0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 synch_6 synch_8 nflips dqmin 0 0 0 0 dqmin_phase 0
Let us investigate the optical functions along this periodic beam line: (red areas mark quadrupoles, gray areas mark dipoles)
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['betx'], label=r'$\beta_x$ [m]')
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['bety'], label=r'$\beta_y$ [m]')
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['alfx'], label=r'$\alpha_x$ [1]', c='C0', ls='--')
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['alfy'], label=r'$\alpha_y$ [1]', c='C1', ls='--')
ylim = plt.ylim()
plt.fill_betweenx(ylim, 3-0.3, 3+0.3, color='red', alpha=0.2)
plt.fill_betweenx(ylim, 7-0.2, 7+0.2, color='red', alpha=0.2)
plt.fill_betweenx(ylim, 5-0.3, 5+0.3, color='black', alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel('$s$ [m]')
plt.ylabel(r'$\beta_{x,y}$ and $\alpha_{x,y}$')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1));
$\implies$ periodic functions, right values at $s=10\,$m are equal to left values at $s=0\,$m!
$\implies$ note what happens to the $\beta_{x,y}$ functions at the locations of the quadrupoles (red areas)! Do you understand the direction into which the $\beta$-functions turn?
$\implies$ note what happens to the optics inside the dipole (gray area)! Do you understand why only the horizontal plane is affected and how it is affected?
We provide interpolation functions for any position $s$ given the MAD-X
computed Twiss table $s-\beta_{x,y}-\alpha_{x,y}-\psi_{x,y}$:
beta_x = interp1d(twiss['s'], twiss['betx'], kind='linear')
alpha_x = interp1d(twiss['s'], twiss['alfx'], kind='linear')
psi_x = interp1d(twiss['s'], 2 * np.pi * twiss['mux'], kind='linear')
Define the Floquet transformation matrix and the rotation matrix for the Twiss transport matrix:
def F(beta, alpha):
'''Floquet transformation matrix to normalised phase space.'''
return np.array([
[1 / np.sqrt(beta), 0],
[alpha / np.sqrt(beta), np.sqrt(beta)]
def R(angle):
'''Rotation matrix.'''
return np.array([
[np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)],
[-np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]
def M_tw(beta0, alpha0, beta1, alpha1, delta_psi):
'''Transport matrix with Twiss parameters from index 0 to 1.'''
F0 = F(beta0, alpha0)
F1 = F(beta1, alpha1)
F1inv = np.linalg.inv(F1)
Rot = R(delta_psi)
Prepare the tracking of a particle along this periodic beam line: once with betatron matrices for each element, once with the Twiss matrix!
# path length positions at edges of elements
s = [0, 3 - 0.6/2, 3 + 0.6/2, 5 - 0.6/2, 5 + 0.6/2, 7 - 0.4/2, 7 + 0.4/2, 10]
ds = np.diff(s)
# betatron matrices
d1 = M_drift(ds[0])
qf = M_quad_x(ds[1], 0.1)
d2 = M_drift(ds[2])
dip = M_dip_x(ds[3], 0.6 / (np.pi / 8)) # rho0 = L / angle
d3 = M_drift(ds[4])
qd = M_quad_x(ds[5], -0.5)
d4 = M_drift(ds[6])
# Twiss transport matrix
def M_tw_s0to1_x(s0, s1):
'''Twiss matrix from s0 to s1 (evaluating Twiss parameters at these points!).'''
return M_tw(
beta_x(s0), alpha_x(s0),
beta_x(s1), alpha_x(s1),
psi_x(s1) - psi_x(s0)
The initial horizontal coordinates of the particle at $s=0\,$m:
x_ini = 0.02
xp_ini = 0.01
Some plotting helper functions:
def scatter(s, x, label=None):
plt.scatter([s], [x], c='red', s=30, marker='D', label=label)
def scatter_tw(s, x, label=None):
plt.scatter([s], [x], c='cyan', s=40, marker='.', label=label)
Go for the tracking!
# track with betatron matrices from one element to the next:
scatter(0, x_ini, label='betatron matrix')
x, xp = track(d1, x_ini, xp_ini)
scatter(s[1], x)
x, xp = track(qf, x, xp)
scatter(s[2], x)
x, xp = track(d2, x, xp)
scatter(s[3], x)
x, xp = track(dip, x, xp)
scatter(s[4], x)
x, xp = track(d3, x, xp)
scatter(s[5], x)
x, xp = track(qd, x, xp)
scatter(s[6], x)
x, xp = track(d4, x, xp)
scatter(s[7], x)
# track with the Twiss transport matrix
scatter_tw(0, x_ini, label='Twiss matrix')
xt, xpt = x_ini, xp_ini
for i in range(len(s) - 1):
M_tw_x = M_tw_s0to1_x(s[i], s[i + 1])
xt, xpt = track(M_tw_x, xt, xpt)
scatter_tw(s[i + 1], xt)
plt.xlabel('$s$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('$x$ [m]')
plt.legend(loc='lower right');
$\implies$ the transfer maps via the Twiss parameters $\beta_x(s), \alpha_x(s), \gamma_x(s)$ are identical to the element-by-element betatron matrices from the previous lecture! Both correctly describe the solution to the equation of motion (Hill differential equation!).
$\implies$ the advantage with $\mathcal{M}_\text{tw}$: only require one single matrix to describe solution at any location $s$! (Need to determine the optics functions / Twiss parameters before!)
$\implies$ are betatron matrices and the Twiss matrix still identical in case of an unstable lattice?
Let us track a particle with the compiled betatron matrix for a number of periods. We can determine the tune via Discrete Frequency Analysis (using NAFF) and then compare to the phase advance computed via the Twiss matrix approach:
M_period =
M_period =
M_period =
M_period =
M_period =
M_period =
We need to record the oscillation for a useful number of turns:
nperiods = 128
rec_x = np.zeros(nperiods, dtype=float)
rec_x[0] = x_ini
x, xp = x_ini, xp_ini
for i in range(1, nperiods):
x, xp = track(M_period, x, xp)
rec_x[i] = x
The horizontal motion at this location looks as follows:
plt.ylabel('$x$ [m]');
We determine the tune via the PyNAFF
library which implements the Numerical Analysis of Fundamental Frequencies algorithm (cf. lecture 02):
tune = PyNAFF.naff(rec_x, turns=nperiods, nterms=1)[0, 1]
$\implies$ this is the tune of the particle (number of oscillations per period) measured via tracking data!
Now what about the phase advance from the full-period transfer matrix, $2\cos(\Phi_x)=\mathrm{Tr}(\mathcal{M})$ ?
trace = np.matrix.trace(M_period)
np.arccos(trace / 2)
Convert from phase advance to tune units by dividing by $2\pi$:
np.arccos(trace / 2) / (2 * np.pi)
Yes! $\implies$ the particle follows the same frequency as determined via the Twiss matrix approach!
By the way, the phase advance or rather tune $Q=\psi\,/\,2\pi$ was also computed by MAD-X
Consider the following numerical (horizontal) transport matrices, each for a full period of a lattice.
Can you determine:
a) whether they are valid transport matrices (symplecticity)?
b) whether they provide stable transport?
c) the covered phase advance $\Phi_x$ per lattice period (and the tune $Q_x=\Phi_x\,/\,2\pi$)?
b) the local Twiss parameters $\beta_x, \alpha_x$?
How do the eigenvalues represent stability and phase advance? (check absolute values and complex phases, picture on the unit circle)
Hint: you might need the following functions for a given matrix M
np.angle(...), M2)
M1 = np.array([
[-0.03701215, 0.19960535],
[-5.04003498, 0.16259319]
M2 = np.array([
[0.5, 13],
[-0.09615385, -0.5]
$\implies$ what happens to particles in this lattice after a short number of lattice periods? (Investigate by applying the transport matrix repetetively.)
M3 = np.array([
[0.31803855, 22.193583],
[-0.1533821, 0.93858321]
M4 = np.array([
[-0.75105652, 0.69069571],
[-0.02118063, -1.31197933]
Consider a $110\,$m long FODO cell with $3.3\,$m long quadrupole magnets. A possible implementation might look like this (blue: LHC dipoles, white: LHC quadrupoles):
image by CERN
We start with a non-bending FODO cell, i.e. the dipoles switched off.
Let us determine the optical functions, again via MAD-X
madx = Madx(stdout=sys.stdout)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + MAD-X 5.08.01 (64 bit, Linux) + + Support:, + + Release date: 2022.02.25 + + Execution date: 2023.12.04 11:01:17 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
We define the FODO cell with two quadrupoles of opposite strength, $k\cdot L=0.008\cdot 3.3\,$m${}^{-1}$, and with three dipoles in between each quadrupole. For the moment the dipoles are switched off (their bending angle $\theta=0$):
k1l_f := 0.008 * 3.3; // inverse focal length qf
k1l_d := -0.008 * 3.3; // inverse focal length qd
theta := 0; // in LHC: 2 * pi / 1232;
qf2: quadrupole, l = 3.3 / 2, k1 := k1l_f / 3.3; // half a focusing quad
qd: quadrupole, l = 3.3, k1 := k1l_d / 3.3;
dip: sbend, l = 14.3, angle := theta;
fodo: sequence, l = 110;
qf2, at = 3.3 / 4;
dip, at = 12;
dip, at = 2 * 110 / 8;
dip, at = 110 / 2 - 12;
qd, at = 110 / 2;
dip, at = 110 / 2 + 12;
dip, at = 6 * 110 / 8;
dip, at = 110 - 12;
qf2, at = 110 - 3.3 / 4;
madx.command.beam(particle='proton', energy=7e3) # energy is in GeV!
# output the Twiss parameters every 1m"interpolate", sequence="fodo", step=1)
We call the Twiss routine to compute the optics:
twiss = madx.twiss();
enter Twiss module ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 110 -0 0 0 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 0.2518947018 -0.3220961047 186.9084848 0 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 0 0 0 0.2518947018 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms -0.3220961047 186.4581481 -0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 synch_6 synch_8 nflips dqmin 0 0 0 0 dqmin_phase 0
Save some values for this FODO cell for later:
madx.input('value, beam->beta;')
beam->beta = 0.999999991 ;
qx_fodo = twiss.summary['q1']
qpx_fodo = twiss.summary['dq1'] * 0.999999991
The optics of this FODO cell looks as follows:
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['betx'], label=r'$\beta_x$ [m]')
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['bety'], label=r'$\beta_y$ [m]')
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['alfx'], label=r'$\alpha_x$ [1]', c='C0', ls='--')
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['alfy'], label=r'$\alpha_y$ [1]', c='C1', ls='--')
ylim = plt.ylim()
plt.fill_betweenx(ylim, 0, 3.3/2, color='red', alpha=0.2)
plt.fill_betweenx(ylim, 110/2 - 3.3/2, 110/2 + 3.3/2, color='blue', alpha=0.2)
plt.fill_betweenx(ylim, 110 - 3.3/2, 110, color='red', alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel('$s$ [m]')
plt.ylabel(r'$\beta_{x,y}$ and $\alpha_{x,y}$')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1));
$\implies$ can you identify where the maximum and minimum of the $\beta$-functions is located in the magnet lattice? Can you explain the alternating-gradient focusing concept in terms of the $\beta$-functions?
Dispersion describes the effect of dipole fields on off-momentum particles with $\delta\neq 0$.
The dispersion function $D(s)$ satisfies the inhomogeneous Hill differential equation
$$D'' + \left(\frac{1}{\rho_0(s)} + k(s)\right)\cdot D = \frac{1}{\rho_0(s)}$$and exists only for finite bending radius $\rho_0(s)$ somewhere along the path length $s$ (i.e. when dipole fields are present!).
For illustration, we use again the LHC FODO cell, but now we switch on the dipole magnets:
madx.input('theta := 2 * pi / 1232;')
++++++ info: theta redefined
Let us recompute the optics functions, as this time also the dispersion function will assume finite values ($\implies$ why?):
twiss = madx.twiss();
enter Twiss module ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 110 -0 0.0004388874913 47.73351305 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 0.2519723158 -0.3218296078 186.8781443 2.249453549 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 1.634089545 0 0 0.2518947018 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms -0.3218849941 186.4581481 0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 synch_6 synch_8 nflips dqmin 0 0 0 0 dqmin_phase 0
The dispersion function describes the local horizontal offset due to a momentum deviation $\delta=\Delta p/p_0$ with respect to the synchronous reference particle:
$$x_\text{disp}(s) = D_x(s) \cdot \delta$$$D_x(s)$ hence encodes the change of the (horizontal) closed orbit (along which the reference particle travels) for a particle with twice the reference momentum.
madx.input('value, beam->beta;')
beam->beta = 0.999999991 ;
plt.plot(twiss['s'], twiss['dx'] * 0.999999991)
plt.xlabel('$s$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('$D_x(s)$ [m]');
$\implies$ Dispersion function $D(s)$ is focused by the quadrupoles in a similar way as the horizontal $\beta_x(s)$-function!
$\implies$ verify that the dispersion is generated by the dipole magnets! (What does this mean?) How does the dispersion function $D(s)$ look like when the dipole fields are switched off?
To illustrate the dispersion effect, we use the thin-lens tracking code PySixTrack
(like our thin-lens betatron matrices but for 6D, i.e. including the momentum deviation $\delta$)!
We define a drift of $5\,$m length and a dipole with a bending angle of $0.1\,$rad:
drift = elements.DriftExact(5)
dipole = elements.Multipole(knl=[0.1], hxl=0.1)
Initialise two particles, both at $x=0.04\,$m but only one at a momentum deviation of $\delta=10^{-3}$:
part0 = pysixtrack.Particles(x=0, delta=0)
part1 = pysixtrack.Particles(x=0, delta=0.001)
Track through the drift, then the dipole and again the drift:
rec_x0 = [part0.x]
rec_x1 = [part1.x]
rec_x0 += [part0.x]
rec_x1 += [part1.x]
rec_x0 += [part0.x]
rec_x1 += [part1.x]
rec_x0 += [part0.x]
rec_x1 += [part1.x]
plt.plot([0, 5, 5, 10], rec_x0, label='$\delta=0$')
plt.plot([0, 5, 5, 10], rec_x1, label='$\delta=10^{-3}$')
plt.xlabel('$s$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('$x$ [m]')
$\implies$ can you explain what happens here and why?
Chromaticity describes the focusing change for off-momentum particles.
Quadrupoles focus less for higher-momentum particles $\delta>0$ and thus the tune $Q$ decreases. The chromaticity can be defined as
$$Q'=\frac{dQ}{d\delta}$$and the natural chromaticity of a magnetic lattice is thus negative.
Let us illustrate by tracking particles in PySixTrack
again. We define a quadrupole with an integrated focusing strength of $k\cdot L=0.3\,$m${}^{-1}$:
quad = elements.Multipole(knl=[0, 0.3])
$\implies$ what is the expected focal length $f$?
Initialise two sets of particles with the same distribution in $x$, one of which features a momentum deviation of $\delta=0.1$ (!):
$\implies$ what is the expected focal length change $\Delta f(\delta)$ for these $\delta=0.1$ particles?
npart = 11
x_dist = np.linspace(-0.05, 0.05, npart)
part0 = pysixtrack.Particles(x=x_dist.copy(), delta=0)
part1 = pysixtrack.Particles(x=x_dist.copy(), delta=0.1)
Track through the $5\,$m drift, then through the quadrupole and again through the same drift:
rec_x0 = [part0.x.copy()]
rec_x1 = [part1.x.copy()]
rec_x0 += [part0.x.copy()]
rec_x1 += [part1.x.copy()]
rec_x0 += [part0.x.copy()]
rec_x1 += [part1.x.copy()]
rec_x0 += [part0.x.copy()]
rec_x1 += [part1.x.copy()]
for i in range(npart):
l0, = plt.plot([0, 5, 5, 10], np.array(rec_x0)[:, i], c='C0', lw=1)
l1, = plt.plot([0, 5, 5, 10], np.array(rec_x1)[:, i], c='C1', lw=1)
plt.xlabel('$s$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('$x$ [m]')
plt.legend([l0, l1], ['$\delta=0$', '$\delta=0.1$']);
$\implies$ we observe less focusing for $\delta>0$ particles $\leadsto$ less phase advance in quasi-harmonic oscillation $\leadsto$ negative tune shift!
Can derive expression for natural chromaticity of a FODO cell with phase advance $\Phi_\text{FODO}$ via thin-lens approximation:
$$Q'_\text{FODO} = -\frac{1}{\pi}\tan\left(\frac{\Phi_\text{FODO}}{2}\right)$$Natural chromaticity is always negative ($\implies$ why?).
Let us track with PySixTrack
through the LHC FODO cell for a distribution of particles with momentum spread and observe the chromatic tune shift.
We first define the same FODO cell as in MAD-X
before (just in thin-lens approximation and without dipoles):
kL = 0.008 * 3.3
qf2_fodo = elements.Multipole(knl=[0, kL / 2.])
qd_fodo = elements.Multipole(knl=[0, -kL])
drift_fodo = elements.DriftExact(110 / 2.)
fodo = [qf2_fodo, drift_fodo, qd_fodo, drift_fodo, qf2_fodo]
We initialise a distribution of npart
macro-particles, with a momentum spread between $\delta\in[-10^{-3},10^{-3}]$ at a fixed initial horizontal position of $x=0.04\,$m:
npart = 21
x_ini = 0.04
delta = np.linspace(-0.001, 0.001, npart)
particles = pysixtrack.Particles(x=x_ini, delta=delta)
We will record the $x$ position after each FODO cell for each particle:
ncells = 1024
rec_x = np.zeros((ncells, npart), dtype=float)
rec_x[0] = particles.x
Let's go for the tracking:
for i in range(1, ncells):
for el in fodo:
rec_x[i] = particles.x
Comparing two particles with same initial $x$ but different $\delta$, we already see the different phase advance in the recorded horizontal motion:
plt.plot(rec_x[:, npart//2 + 1], lw=2, label='$\delta=0$')
plt.plot(rec_x[:, 0], lw=2, label='$\delta=-0.001$')
plt.xlabel('number of FODO cells')
plt.ylabel('$x$ [m]')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1));
Let's evaluate the tune of each particle using the NAFF algorithm:
Qx_delta = np.zeros(npart, dtype=float)
for i in range(npart):
Qx_delta[i] = PyNAFF.naff(rec_x[:, i], turns=ncells, nterms=1)[0, 1]
The tune of the $\delta=0$ particle should be the tune of the reference particle in this linear lattice:
Qx_delta[npart//2 + 1]
plt.plot(1e3 * delta, Qx_delta)
plt.xlabel('$\delta$ [$10^{-3}$]')
$\implies$ the tune changes with the momentum, as anticipated! The slope of this line is the first-order chromaticity $Q'_x$!
The numpy
function polyfit
is useful for a quick linear regression, the output is $(a,b)$ for $y=a\cdot x + b$:
np.polyfit(delta, Qx_delta, 1)
array([-0.3360318 , 0.25862306])
The slope and thus the chromaticity of the LHC FODO cell is approximately $Q'_x=-0.3$, measured via particle tracking.
The analytic formula $Q'_\text{FODO} = -\frac{1}{\pi}\tan\left(\frac{\Phi_\text{FODO}}{2}\right)$ gives:
-1 / np.pi * np.tan(2 * np.pi * qx_fodo / 2)
would have given us this value, too, we evaluated it as twiss.summary['dq1'] * beta
(where beta
is the speed of the particles):
On average over many turns (during which $\delta$ remains more or less constant, remember synchrotron motion is much slower than tranverse betatron motion), the horizontal position of the particles corresponds to their dispersive closed orbit:
$$\langle x \rangle = \langle x_\beta + x_\text{disp}\rangle = \langle \sqrt{2J\beta_x}\underbrace{\cos(\psi_x+\psi_{x0}) }\limits_{\langle\cos\rangle\mathop{=}0}\rangle + \langle D\cdot \delta\rangle = D\cdot \delta$$Sextupole magnets provide a means to correct for chromaticity in a location where $D(s)\neq 0$ such that particles are on average sorted by momentum $\delta$.
For demonstration, we add sextupoles to the FODO lattice in MAD-X
and compute their necessary strength.
Make sure that dipoles are switched on, the dipole angle theta
should be non-zero:
madx.input('value, theta;')
theta = 0.005099988074 ;
(Otherwise re-run the notebook in order, you need the line madx.input('theta := 2 * pi / 1232;')
We add two sextupole magnets, one next to each quadrupole:
madx.input('sext1: sextupole, l = 1, k2 := k2sext1;')
madx.input('sext2: sextupole, l = 1, k2 := k2sext2;')
madx.command.install(element='sext1', at=3.3/2 + 1)
madx.command.install(element='sext2', at=110/2 + 3.3/2 + 1)
++++++ info: seqedit - number of elements installed: 2 ++++++ info: seqedit - number of elements moved: 0 ++++++ info: seqedit - number of elements removed: 0 ++++++ info: seqedit - number of elements replaced: 0
'''match, sequence = fodo;
global, sequence = fodo, dq1 = {Qpx}, dq2 = {Qpy};
vary, name = k2sext1, step = 0.0001;
vary, name = k2sext2, step = 0.0001;
lmdif, tolerance = 1e-12;
'''.format(Qpx=0, Qpy=0))
START MATCHING number of sequences: 1 sequence name: fodo number of variables: 2 user given constraints: 2 total constraints: 2 START LMDIF: MATCH SUMMARY Node_Name Constraint Type Target Value Final Value Penalty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Penalty Function = 6.84833173e-28 Variable Final Value Initial Value Lower Limit Upper Limit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- k2sext1 1.27667e-02 0.00000e+00 -1.00000e+20 1.00000e+20 k2sext2 -2.53671e-02 0.00000e+00 -1.00000e+20 1.00000e+20 END MATCH SUMMARY VARIABLE "TAR" SET TO 6.84833173e-28
$\implies$ the iterative algorithm in MAD-X
has found suitable values of the sextupole strengths k2sext1
and k2sext2
such that the target chromaticity has been corrected to 0.
twiss = madx.twiss();
enter Twiss module ++++++ table: summ length orbit5 alfa gammatr 110 -0 0.0004388874913 47.73351305 q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax 0.2519723158 1.111906585e-15 186.8781443 2.249453549 dxrms xcomax xcorms q2 1.634424445 0 0 0.2518947018 dq2 betymax dymax dyrms -2.614568487e-14 186.4581481 0 0 ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1 0 0 0 0 synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5 0 0 0 0 synch_6 synch_8 nflips dqmin 0 0 0 0 dqmin_phase 0
$\implies$ the chromaticity from the MAD-X
optics computation has really become (numerically) zero!
We return to the PySixTrack
tracking: after adding sextupoles of these strengths and the dipole magnets, we should be able to see the change via evaluating the chromaticity via NAFF from tracking data again!
As a short cut, we make the MAD-X
lattice "thin" (apply thin-lens approximation) and transfer the lattice with dipoles and sextupoles to PySixTrack
fodo_sext = pysixtrack.Line.from_madx_sequence(madx.sequence.fodo)
makethin: style chosen : simple makethin: slicing sequence : fodo
#for el in fodo_sext.elements:
# print (el)
Go about with the tracking again:
# define initial particle distribution & prepare recording array
particles = pysixtrack.Particles(x=x_ini, delta=delta)
rec_x = np.zeros((ncells, npart), dtype=float)
rec_x[0] = particles.x
# tracking!
for i in range(1, ncells):
rec_x[i] = particles.x
plt.plot(rec_x[:, npart//2 + 1], lw=2, label='$\delta=0$')
plt.plot(rec_x[:, 0], lw=2, label='$\delta=-0.001$')
plt.xlabel('number of FODO cells')
plt.ylabel('$x$ [m]')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1));
# evaluate tunes via NAFF
Qx_delta = np.zeros(npart, dtype=float)
for i in range(npart):
Qx_delta[i] = PyNAFF.naff(rec_x[:, i], turns=ncells, nterms=1)[0, 1]
plt.plot(1e3 * delta, Qx_delta)
plt.xlabel('$\delta$ [$10^{-3}$]')
The fit for the now much flatter slope of the tune change with $\delta$ gives:
np.polyfit(delta, Qx_delta, 1)
array([-0.01098794, 0.25440583])
$\implies$ $Q'_x=-0.01$ is nearly zero, i.e. the chromaticity correction scheme works! (The remainders are due to the thin-lens approximation!)
Hint: we have used 2 sextupoles as 2 degrees of freedom to correct both the horizontal and the vertical chromaticity to zero. One could use only one sextupole degree of freedom, but then only one of the transverse planes can be corrected to $Q'=0$, the other one likely increases!