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Imports and modules:
from config import (np, plt)
from scipy.constants import m_p, e, c
%matplotlib inline
The effect of a magnetic field or an electric field to bend a particle around the corner is described by the Lorentz force:
$$\mathbf{F}_L=q(\mathbf{E} + \mathbf{v}\times \mathbf{B})$$To produce a given bending / force $F_L$, a magnetic field of 1T would therefore correspond to an equivalent electric field of...
gamma = 1 + 10**np.linspace(-5, 1, 1000)
def beta(gamma):
return np.sqrt(1 - gamma**-2)
plt.plot(gamma - 1, beta(gamma))
plt.xlabel(r'$\frac{E_{kin}}{m_0c^2} = \gamma-1$')
plt.plot(gamma - 1, 1e-6 * beta(gamma) * c * 1)
plt.ylabel('$E$ [MV/m]')
Text(0, 0.5, '$E$ [MV/m]')
Electrons have a rest mass of $m_0c^2\approx 511$ keV and protons of $m_0c^2\approx 938$ MeV.
$\implies$ Consider an E-field of 100 MV/m. At what (low) kinetic energy is a 1T B-field equivalent to this very high E-field in terms of the Lorentz force? Compare this energy to the tables of energies reached in the CERN and GSI accelerators, cf. first lecture!
Transverse magnetic fields $B_{x,y}$ can be expanded in a multipole series, also known as the Beth representation:
$$B_x + iB_y = B_0 \sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty (b_n + ia_n)\cdot (x+iy)^{n-1}$$The $b_n,a_n$ are the multipole coefficients for the normal and skew components, respectively, and $B_0$ refers to the main (dipole) field.
$$\begin{align}\, n=1&\text{: dipole} \\ n=2&\text{: quadrupole} \\ n=3&\text{: sextupole} \\ n=4&\text{: octupole} \\ &... \end{align}$$"Skew" refers to half a symmetry period rotation, so if an upright normal dipole has its field in the vertical direction and dipole fields have a symmetry of 180deg, then a skew dipole would have a horizontal field (rotated by 180deg/2 = 90deg). A skew quadrupole is correspondingly rotated by 45deg, a skew sextupole by 30deg, etc.
As example: in the $y=0$ plane, no $B_x$ terms appear and $x\cdot y$ cross-terms vanish, the B-field can be Taylor-expanded as
$$\cfrac{B_y}{B\rho} = \underbrace{\phantom{\biggl|}\frac{1}{\rho_0}}\limits_\text{dipole} + \underbrace{\phantom{\biggl|}k\cdot x}\limits_\text{quadrupole} + \underbrace{\phantom{\biggl|}\frac{1}{2!} m x^2}\limits_\text{sextupole} + \underbrace{\phantom{\biggl|}\frac{1}{3!} r x^3}\limits_\text{octupole} + \cdots $$with the beam rigidity $B\rho=\frac{p}{q}$.
Const. field in vertical direction $y$ with $b_1=1$ for the main dipoles.
Normal quadrupole field: $\mathbf{B}=\underbrace{B_0\cdot b_2}\limits_{\mathop{\doteq}-G} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} y \\ x \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$
Skew quadrupole field: $\mathbf{B}=B_0\cdot a_2 \cdot \begin{pmatrix} x \\ -y \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
for a in ax: a.set_aspect('equal')
xlist = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 80)
ylist = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 80)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist)
Zn = X * Y
Zs = (X * X - Y * Y) / 2
levels = np.arange(-6, 6.1, 2)[0])
plt.contour(X, Y, Zn, levels)
plt.quiver(X[::5,::5], Y[::5,::5], Y[::5,::5], X[::5,::5])
plt.title('Normal Quadrupole', y=1.04)
plt.contour(X, Y, Zs, levels)
plt.quiver(X[::5,::5], Y[::5,::5], X[::5,::5], -Y[::5,::5])
plt.title('Skew Quadrupole', y=1.04)
Normal sextupole field: $\mathbf{B}=B_0\cdot b_3 \cdot \begin{pmatrix} 2xy \\ x^2-y^2 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$
xlist = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 80)
ylist = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 80)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist)
Zn = (3 * X**2 * Y - Y**3) / 3
levels = np.arange(-6, 6.1, 2) * 3
plt.title('Normal Sextupole', y=1.04)
plt.contour(X, Y, Zn, levels)
plt.quiver(X[::5,::5], Y[::5,::5], (2 * X * Y)[::5,::5], (X * X - Y * Y)[::5,::5])
Applying paraxial approximation ($v_x,v_y\ll |\mathbf{v}| = \beta c$), the equations of motion for the particles in transversely magnetic fields yield
$$\left\{\begin{matrix} \cfrac{d^2x}{ds^2} + \cfrac{B_y}{B\rho} = 0 \\ \cfrac{d^2y}{ds^2} - \cfrac{B_x}{B\rho} = 0 \end{matrix}\right.$$As long as $B_{y,x}$ depend up to linearly on $x,y$, these ordinary differential equations are linear.
The field in normal quadrupole is given by $B_y=-G\cdot x$ and $B_x=-G\cdot y$, define the quadrupole strength
$$k \doteq - \cfrac{G}{B\rho}$$where $k>0$ ($G<0$) for a focusing magnet (horizontally (!) stable motion in the $x$ plane). With $x'\doteq dx/ds$, the equation of motion reads
$$\left\{\begin{matrix}\, x'' + k\cdot x &= 0 \\ y'' - k\cdot y &= 0 \end{matrix}\right.$$with $\cos,\sin$ solution for the stable harmonic oscillation equation where $u''=-|k|u$ and hyperbolic $\cosh,\sinh$ solution for the unstable equation where $u''=+|k|u$. ($u$ is either $x$ or $y$, depending on $k$)
$\implies$ in a quadrupole, one direction always focuses while the other direction defocuses! Remember Earnshaw's theorem!
In case of a drift, $k=0$, $u$ continues to increase with the angle $u'$ times the path length $s$.
Geometric focusing due to longer path length in dipole field for positive $x$, equation of motion reads:
$$\left\{\begin{matrix}\, x'' + \cfrac{1}{\rho_0{}^2} \cdot x &= 0 \\ y'' &= 0\end{matrix}\right.$$Piecing together drifts, normal dipoles and normal quadrupoles to a magnet sequence, the lattice of the accelerator, one obtains the Hill equation
$$\left\{\begin{matrix}\, x'' &\mathop{+}\, \left(\cfrac{1}{\rho_0(s)} + k(s)\right)&\mathop{\cdot} x = 0 \\ y'' &\mathop{-} k(s)&\mathop{\cdot} y = 0 \end{matrix}\right.$$where the dipole curvature radius $\rho_0(s)$ and the quadrupole strength $k(s)$ are typically piecewise constant.
$\implies$ can use transverse matrix formalism for each (linear) magnet, the betatron matrices $\mathcal{M}$, to transport through each element from $s_0$ to $s_0+s$:
$$\begin{pmatrix} x \\ x' \end{pmatrix}_{s_0+s} = \mathcal{M}(s_0+s, s_0) \begin{pmatrix} x \\ x' \end{pmatrix}_{s_0}$$A drift section: $$\mathcal{M}_\text{drift} = \begin{pmatrix}\,1 &s \\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}$$
A thick dipole magnet: $$\mathcal{M}_\text{dipole}^x = \begin{pmatrix}\,\cos\left(\frac{s}{\rho_0}\right) &\rho_0 \sin\left(\frac{s}{\rho_0}\right) \\ -\frac{1}{\rho_0}\sin\left(\frac{s}{\rho_0}\right) & \cos\left(\frac{s}{\rho_0}\right)\end{pmatrix} \qquad \text{and}\qquad \mathcal{M}_\text{dipole}^{y} = \mathcal{M}_\text{drift} $$
A thick quadrupole magnet:
$$\mathcal{M}^\text{foc}_\text{quadrupole} = \begin{pmatrix}\,\cos(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) & \frac{1}{\sqrt{|k|}}\sin(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) \\ -\sqrt{|k|} \sin(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) & \cos(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) \end{pmatrix} $$$$\mathcal{M}^\text{defoc}_\text{quadrupole} = \begin{pmatrix}\,\cosh(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) & \frac{1}{\sqrt{|k|}}\sinh(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) \\ \sqrt{|k|} \sinh(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) & \cosh(\sqrt{|k|}\cdot s) \end{pmatrix}$$where a focusing quadrupole $k>0$ uses $\mathcal{M}^\text{foc}_\text{quadrupole}$ for the $x$-plane and $\mathcal{M}^\text{defoc}_\text{quadrupole}$ for the $y$-plane. Vice versa for a defocusing quadrupole.
def M_drift(L):
return np.array([
[1, L],
[0, 1]
def M_dip_x(L, rho0):
return np.array([
[np.cos(L / rho0), rho0 * np.sin(L / rho0)],
[-1 / rho0 * np.sin(L / rho0), np.cos(L / rho0)]
def M_dip_y(L, rho0):
return M_drift(L)
def M_quad_x(L, k):
ksq = np.sqrt(k + 0j)
return np.array([
[np.cos(ksq * L), 1 / ksq * np.sin(ksq * L)],
[-ksq * np.sin(ksq * L), np.cos(ksq * L)]
def M_quad_y(L, k):
ksq = np.sqrt(k + 0j)
return np.array([
[np.cosh(ksq * L), 1 / ksq * np.sinh(ksq * L)],
[ksq * np.sinh(ksq * L), np.cosh(ksq * L)]
def track(M, u, up):
'''Apply M to each individual [u;up] vectors value.'''
return np.einsum('ij,...j->i...', M, np.vstack((u, up)).T)
For very short lengths of the magnets $L\rightarrow 0$, one can derive the following triangular matrices under the so-called thin approximation $f=\lim\limits_{L\rightarrow 0} \cfrac{1}{|k|\cdot L}$:
$$\mathcal{M}^\text{foc}_\text{thin-quadrupole} = \begin{pmatrix}\,1 & 0 \\ -\frac{1}{f} & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$$$\mathcal{M}^\text{defoc}_\text{thin-quadrupole} = \begin{pmatrix}\,1 & 0 \\ \frac{1}{f} & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$as well as
$$\mathcal{M}^\text{x}_\text{thin-dipole} = M_\text{drift}$$The motion through a regular sextupole magnet of strength $m$ and length $L$ cannot be represented by a (betatron) matrix since the magnetic field is non-linear.
In thin approximation, an infinitesimally long sextupole magnet of integrated strength $mL$ applies only an update of the momentum (angle):
$$\left\{\begin{matrix}\, x'_\text{after} &= x'_\text{before} \,+ &\frac{1}{2} m (y^2 - x^2)\cdot L \\ y'_\text{after} &= y'_\text{before} \,+ &m \cdot x \cdot y \cdot L \end{matrix}\right.$$def track_sext_4D(x, xp, y, yp, mL):
xp += 0.5 * mL * (y * y - x * x)
yp += mL * x * y
return x, xp, y, yp
Liouville applies to $x-x'$ space in the case of no acceleration $\leadsto$ phase space!
The betatron matrices $\mathcal{M}$ are thus symplectic and the 2x2 matrices obey
$$\det(\mathcal{M}) = 1$$$\implies$ verify this!
Can build lattice matrix or one-turn-matrix $\mathcal{M}$ by multiplying all subsequent elements in lattice!
Long-term stability of 2x2 matrix $\mathcal{M}$ then requires eigenvalues $|\lambda|\leq 1$ $\Longleftrightarrow$ $|\mathrm{Tr}(\mathcal{M})| \leq 2$
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 2e-3
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
ds = 0.01
D = M_drift(ds)
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
for s in np.arange(-1, 1, ds):
x, xp = track(D, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
$\implies$ demonstrates the eventual divergence after long enough drifts
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 2e-3
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp / 2, N) - x * sig_x / sig_xp * 0.4
ds = 0.01
D = M_drift(ds)
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
for s in np.arange(-1, 1, ds):
x, xp = track(D, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
$\implies$ particles move (drift) for- and backward along $x$ depending on their momentum (angle) $x'$!
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 2e-3
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
ds = 0.01
Qx = M_quad_x(ds, 10)
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
for s in np.arange(-1, 1, ds):
x, xp = track(Qx, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
$\implies$ Is it possible to build a storage ring consisting only of focusing quadrupole? Where is the caveat?
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 2e-3
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
Note the negative sign for the $k$ to obtain defocusing in the horizontal plane:
ds = 0.01
Qx = M_quad_x(ds, -10)
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
for s in np.arange(-1, 1, ds):
x, xp = track(Qx, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
$\implies$ the problem of constant continuous quadrupole fields lies in that one plane focuses while the other plane defocuses!
A F-0-D-0 cell is the most common design type for proton machine lattices!
It consists of a focusing quadrupole, drift space (0), defocusing quadrupole and again drift space (0):
image by G. Xia
$\implies$ drift spaces are typically filled with dipole magnets (and instrumentation)
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 3e-4
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
ds = 0.1
k = 0.2
D = M_drift(ds)
Qfx = M_quad_x(ds, k)
Qdx = M_quad_x(ds, -k)
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
We assume a total FODO cell length of 10m and a length of each quadrupole magnet of 1m.
Tracking the FODO cell in the horizontal plane, starting from the centre of the focusing quadrupole (= horizontally focusing!):
# 1/2 focusing quad
for s in np.arange(0, 0.5001, ds):
x, xp = track(Qfx, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# drift
for s in np.arange(0.5, 4.5001, ds)[1:]:
x, xp = track(D, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# defocusing quad
for s in np.arange(4.5, 5.5001, ds)[1:]:
x, xp = track(Qdx, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# drift
for s in np.arange(5.5, 9.5001, ds)[1:]:
x, xp = track(D, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# 1/2 focusing quad
for s in np.arange(9.5, 10.0001, ds)[1:]:
x, xp = track(Qfx, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter(x, xp, c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
What about the vertical plane now? The quadrupoles have their function inverted, a horizontally focusing quadrupole defocuses in the vertical plane, so the same lattice looks like "D-0-F-0" with respect to the vertical plane:
sig_y = 5e-3
sig_yp = 3e-4
y = np.random.normal(0, sig_y, N)
yp = np.random.normal(0, sig_yp, N)
Qfy = M_quad_y(ds, k)
Qdy = M_quad_y(ds, -k)
# 1/2 vertically defocusing quad (horizontally focusing, so "Qf")
for s in np.arange(0, 0.5001, ds):
y, yp = track(Qfy, y, yp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, y, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# drift
for s in np.arange(0.5, 4.5001, ds)[1:]:
y, yp = track(D, y, yp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, y, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# defocusing quad (horizontally defocusing, so "Qd")
for s in np.arange(4.5, 5.5001, ds)[1:]:
y, yp = track(Qdy, y, yp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, y, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# drift
for s in np.arange(5.5, 9.5001, ds)[1:]:
y, yp = track(D, y, yp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, y, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
# 1/2 focusing quad
for s in np.arange(9.5, 10.0001, ds)[1:]:
y, yp = track(Qfy, y, yp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * s, y, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
$\implies$ can ensure quasi-harmonic motion in both (!) transverse planes! Transverse confinement of beam by alternating-gradient (AG) focusing! This is the principle behind synchrotrons!
How does this look like over long time scales? Let us build the one-cell matrix and track for many cells:
M_cell = M_quad_x(0.5, k) # 1/2 focusing quad
M_cell = # drift
M_cell =, -k)) # defocusing quad
M_cell = # drift
M_cell =, k)) # 1/2 focusing quad
n_cells = 100
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 3e-4
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
for i in range(n_cells):
x, xp = track(M_cell, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * i, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter([i], [x[-1]], c='r', s=10, marker='.')
$\implies$ we observe regular motion, amplitudes remain bound! It looks like the magnet configuration is stable and the beam is well confined!
What about the phase-space trajectories at this position in the lattice (a so-called Poincaré section)?
for i in range(n_cells):
x, xp = track(M_cell, x, xp)
plt.scatter(x[::10], xp[::10], c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
plt.gca().set_aspect(np.diff(plt.xlim()) / np.diff(plt.ylim()));
$\implies$ the circles indicate linear bound motion!
$\implies$ play with the quadrupole strength $k$ and observe what happens for stronger values!
k = 0.431
M_cell = M_quad_x(0.5, k) # 1/2 focusing quad
M_cell = # drift
M_cell =, -k)) # defocusing quad
M_cell = # drift
M_cell =, k)) # 1/2 focusing quad
n_cells = 100
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 3e-4
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
for i in range(n_cells):
x, xp = track(M_cell, x, xp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * i, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter([i], [x[-1]], c='r', s=10, marker='.')
$\implies$ motion becomes unstable! Is the one-cell matrix a "valid" (symplectic) betatron matrix?
$\implies$ the matrix obeys $\det(\mathcal{M})=1$ and is thus symplectic. But what about the eigenvalues?
Solve the characteristic polynomial of the one-cell matrix, $\det(\mathcal{M}-\lambda\mathbb{1}) = 0$ for $\lambda$:
array([-0.87523826, -1.14254604])
$\implies$ we find one $|\lambda| > 1$! If one absolute eigenvalue becomes larger than unity, the magnet configuration becomes unstable! That explains the instability (exponential divergence) here! (Equivalently one finds $|\mathrm{Tr}(\mathcal{M})| > 2$, you can verify.)
What happens to a single particle in phase space in the Poincaré section?
for i in range(10):
x, xp = track(M_cell, x, xp)
plt.scatter(x[0], xp[0], c='C0', s=10, marker='.')
plt.gca().set_aspect(np.diff(plt.xlim()) / np.diff(plt.ylim()));
$\implies$ compare to the stable phase-space portrait before! Can you explain what happens?
We go back to the stable FODO cell configuration and add a thin sextupole magnet after 1/4 of the lattice, between the first focusing and the second defocusing quadrupole!
The sextupole kick provides a non-linearity in the potential that confines the particles. At large enough amplitude, the non-linear term dominates and the particles are no longer bound / confined!
We need to track in 4D phase-space (full transverse plane with both $x$ and $y$) as the sextupole provides coupling terms:
We need a first matrix 1/4 of the cell until the sextupole, once for the $x$ (M_cell_x_1
) and another one for the $y$ plane (M_cell_y_1
). Then a second matrix each to track $x$ and $y$ for the remaining 3/4 of the cell (M_cell_x_2
, M_cell_y_2
k = 0.2
mL = 1.8
# horizontal plane:
M_cell_x_1 = M_quad_x(0.5, k) # 1/2 focusing quad
M_cell_x_1 = # drift
## here sits the sextupole
M_cell_x_2 = M_drift(2) # drift
M_cell_x_2 =, -k)) # defocusing quad
M_cell_x_2 = # drift
M_cell_x_2 =, k)) # 1/2 focusing quad
# vertical plane:
M_cell_y_1 = M_quad_y(0.5, k) # 1/2 focusing quad
M_cell_y_1 = # drift
## here sits the sextupole
M_cell_y_2 = M_drift(2) # drift
M_cell_y_2 =, -k)) # defocusing quad
M_cell_y_2 = # drift
M_cell_y_2 =, k)) # 1/2 focusing quad
n_cells = 1000
Initialise the transverse particle distribution:
N = 100
sig_x = 5e-3
sig_xp = 3e-4
sig_y = 5e-3
sig_yp = 3e-4
x = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
xp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
y = np.random.normal(0, sig_x, N)
yp = np.random.normal(0, sig_xp, N)
Let us record the horizontal phase-space coordinates during the tracking:
rec_x = np.zeros((n_cells, N), dtype=x.dtype)
rec_xp = np.zeros_like(rec_x)
Let us set the last particle to the same phase-space coordinates as the first particle up to a very small epsilon, for later:
x[-1] = x[0]
xp[-1] = xp[0]
y[-1] = y[0]
yp[-1] = yp[0] * 1.001
Let's go, the full 4D tracking loop comes here:
for i in range(n_cells):
# initial 1/4 of the cell
x, xp = track(M_cell_x_1, x, xp)
y, yp = track(M_cell_y_1, y, yp)
# sextupole
x, xp, y, yp = track_sext_4D(x, xp, y, yp, mL)
# remaining 3/4 of the cell
x, xp = track(M_cell_x_2, x, xp)
y, yp = track(M_cell_y_2, y, yp)
plt.scatter(np.ones(N) * i, x, c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.scatter([i], [x[-1]], c='r', s=10, marker='.')
rec_x[i] = x
rec_xp[i] = xp
How does the horizontal phase-space (Poincare map) look like?
for i in range(n_cells):
plt.scatter(rec_x[:100,::10], rec_xp[:100,::10], c='C0', s=1, marker='.')
plt.gca().set_aspect(np.diff(plt.xlim()) / np.diff(plt.ylim()));
$\implies$ single particles do not maintain the same (linear) amplitude (radius in $x-x'$) during the tracking!
A single particle looks like this:
plt.plot(rec_x[:, 0])
$\implies$ distorted regular motion (see the asymmetry between positive and negative $x$ values in the oscillation), the particle is still bound but the sextupole deforms the phase-space topology from the regular circles we observed for purely linear tracking.
Remember, the last particle was just a copy from the first particle with a slightly increased $y'$ value. Let us investigate the difference in their horizontal position during the tracking:
plt.plot(np.abs(rec_x[:,0] - rec_x[:,-1]))
plt.ylabel(r'$|\Delta x|$')
Text(0, 0.5, '$|\\Delta x|$')
$\implies$ for finite sextupole strength, we observe on average an exponential increase. This points to a finite positive maximum Lyapunov exponent, which is an early indicator of deterministic chaos (see lecture 3!)
All in all, the thin sextupole magnet in the lattice
$\implies$ repeat this exercise with a zero sextupole strength $m=0$ to confirm these insights for yourself!
Hint: in order to observe a meaningful result in the last plot, add a factor * 1.001
to xp
for the last particle to see an effect. Due to the absent coupling between $x$ and $y$, there will be no difference in the $x$ motion of both particles without the sextupole!