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Imports and modules:
from config import np, plt, plot_rfwave, tqdm, trange
from scipy.constants import m_p, e, c
%matplotlib inline
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) later in this document does not work, run this:
!jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
Longitudinal dynamics in a synchrotron is generally called synchrotron motion.
From the previous lecture we recover the one-turn difference map for longitudinal tracking:
$$\begin{cases}\, z_{n+1} &= z_n - \eta C \left(\cfrac{\Delta p}{p_0}\right)_n \\ (\Delta p)_{n+1} &= (\Delta p)_n + \cfrac{q V}{(\beta c)_n}\cdot\left(\sin\left(\varphi_s - \cfrac{2\pi}{C}\cdot hz_{n+1}\right) - \sin(\varphi_s)\right) \end{cases}$$To derive the Hamiltonian, we need to determine smooth (but approximative) differential equations from here.
Treat adiabatic acceleration case ($\beta=\mathrm{const}$ during rf cavity kick) in smooth focusing approximation (rf cavity effect all around the ring):
$\implies$ obtain differential equations via $z_{n+1}-z_n\leadsto \frac{dz}{ds}\cdot C$ and $\Delta p_{n+1}-\Delta p_n \leadsto \frac{d(\Delta p)}{ds}\cdot C$
Integrate Hamilton equations to find (a sort of "instantaneous") $\mathcal{H}(z,\Delta p)=T(\Delta p) + U(z)$:
The first Hamilton equation determines the kinetic energy term $T(\Delta p)$,
$$\frac{dz}{ds} \stackrel{!}{=} \frac{\partial \mathcal{H}}{\partial (\Delta p)} \quad \stackrel{\int}{\implies} \quad \mathcal{H}(z,\Delta p) = \underbrace{-\frac{1}{2}\frac{\eta}{p_0} \Delta p{}^2}\limits_{T} + U(z) + \mathrm{const.} \quad ,$$and the second Hamilton equation determines the potential energy $U(z)$: $\quad \cfrac{d(\Delta p)}{ds} \stackrel{!}{=} -\cfrac{\partial\mathcal{H}}{\partial z}$
For the stationary case $\sin(\varphi_s)=0$, we recover the simple pendulum Hamiltonian if $\varphi_s=0$ below or $\varphi_s=\pi$ above transition,
$$\mathcal{H}_\mathrm{stat}(z,\Delta p) = -\frac{1}{2}\frac{\eta}{p_0} {\color{red}{\Delta p{}^2}} -\frac{qV}{\beta c}\cdot\frac{1}{2\pi h}{\color{red}{\cos\left(\varphi_s - \frac{2\pi h}{C}\cdot z\right)}} $$Remember, this expresses again the phase focusing requirement!
For small $z$ around the synchronous particle (stable fixed point!), expand $\cos(x)\approx 1-x^2/2 + \mathcal{O}(x^4)$:
$$\mathcal{H}_\mathrm{stat,small}(z,\Delta p) = -\mathrm{sgn}(\eta)\cdot\left[\frac{1}{2}\frac{|\eta|}{p_0} {\color{red}{\Delta p{}^2}} + \frac{qV}{\beta c}\cdot \cfrac{\pi h}{C^2}\cdot {\color{red}{z^2}}\right] $$$\implies$ Hamiltonian of harmonic oscillation!
The small-amplitude case (small $z$) yields the linear oscillation frequency of the particles. Assemble the 2nd-order ODE from the two 1st-order coupled ODEs:
$$\frac{dz^2}{ds^2}+\frac{\eta q V}{p_0 \beta c C}\cdot \left(\underbrace{\sin\left(\varphi_s - \frac{2\pi}{C} h z\right)}\limits_{\mathop{=}\sin(\varphi_s)\cos\left(\frac{2\pi}{C}hz\right) - \cos(\varphi_s)\sin\left(\frac{2\pi}{C}hz\right)} - \sin(\varphi_s)\right) = 0$$Linearising in $z$ gives
$$\sin\left(\varphi_s - \frac{2\pi}{C} h z\right) \approx \sin(\varphi_s) - \cos(\varphi_s)\cdot\frac{2\pi}{C} h z + \mathcal{O}(z^2)$$Therefore the linearised ODE of 2nd order (harmonic oscillator ODE) reads
$$\frac{dz^2}{ds^2}+\underbrace{\frac{-\eta q V \cdot 2\pi h \cos(\varphi_s)}{p_0 \beta c C^2}}\limits_{\mathop{\equiv}\Omega_s^2}\cdot z = 0$$We return to the material from the previous lecture, the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS):
def beta(gamma):
'''Speed β in units of c from relativistic Lorentz factor γ.'''
return np.sqrt(1 - gamma**-2)
def gamma(p):
'''Relativistic Lorentz factor γ from total momentum p.'''
return np.sqrt(1 + (p / (mass * c))**2)
Again, the Machine
class representing the PS:
charge = e
mass = m_p
class Machine(object):
gamma_ref = 3.13
circumference = 2 * np.pi * 100
voltage = 200e3
harmonic = 7
alpha_c = 0.027
phi_s = 0.456
def __init__(self, gamma_ref=gamma_ref, circumference=circumference,
voltage=voltage, harmonic=harmonic,
alpha_c=alpha_c, phi_s=phi_s):
'''Override default settings by giving explicit arguments.'''
self.gamma_ref = gamma_ref
self.circumference = circumference
self.voltage = voltage
self.harmonic = harmonic
self.alpha_c = alpha_c
self.phi_s = phi_s
def eta(self, deltap):
'''Phase-slip factor for a particle.'''
p = self.p0() + deltap
return self.alpha_c - gamma(p)**-2
def p0(self):
'''Momentum of synchronous particle.'''
return self.gamma_ref * beta(self.gamma_ref) * mass * c
def update_gamma_ref(self):
'''Advance the energy of the synchronous particle
according to the synchronous phase by one turn.
deltap_per_turn = charge * self.voltage / (
beta(self.gamma_ref) * c) * np.sin(self.phi_s)
new_p0 = self.p0() + deltap_per_turn
self.gamma_ref = gamma(new_p0)
def track_one_turn(z_n, deltap_n, machine):
m = machine
# half drift
z_nhalf = z_n - m.eta(deltap_n) * deltap_n / m.p0() * m.circumference / 2
# rf kick
amplitude = charge * m.voltage / (beta(gamma(m.p0())) * c)
phi = m.phi_s - m.harmonic * 2 * np.pi * z_nhalf / m.circumference
deltap_n1 = deltap_n + amplitude * (np.sin(phi) - np.sin(m.phi_s))
# half drift
z_n1 = z_nhalf - m.eta(deltap_n1) * deltap_n1 / m.p0() * m.circumference / 2
return z_n1, deltap_n1
You can override the default PS parameters by supplying arguments to the Machine(...)
instantiation, e.g. change the gamma_ref
by m = Machine(gamma_ref=20)
or the phi_s
m = Machine()
Now we define the kinetic and potential energy terms and the Hamiltonian function(al) itself:
def T(deltap, machine):
'''Kinetic energy term in Hamiltonian.'''
return -0.5 * machine.eta(deltap) / machine.p0() * deltap**2
def U(z, machine, beta_=None):
'''Potential energy term in Hamiltonian.
If beta is not given, compute it from synchronous particle.
m = machine
if beta_ is None:
beta_ = beta(gamma(m.p0()))
ampl = charge * m.voltage / (beta_ * c * 2 * np.pi * m.harmonic)
phi = m.phi_s - 2 * np.pi * m.harmonic / m.circumference * z
# convenience: define z at unstable fixed point
z_ufp = -m.circumference * (np.pi - 2 * m.phi_s) / (2 * np.pi * m.harmonic)
# convenience: offset by potential value at unstable fixed point
# such that unstable fixed point (and separatrix) have 0 potential energy
return ampl * (-np.cos(phi) +
2 * np.pi * m.harmonic / m.circumference * (z - z_ufp) * np.sin(m.phi_s) +
def hamiltonian(z, deltap, machine):
return T(deltap, machine) + U(z, machine, beta_=beta(gamma(machine.p0() + deltap)))
def plot_hamiltonian(machine, zleft=-50, zright=50, dpmax=0.01, cbar=True):
'''Plot Hamiltonian contours across (zleft, zright) and (-dpmax, dpmax).'''
Z, DP = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(zleft, zright, num=1000),
np.linspace(-dpmax, dpmax, num=1000))
H = hamiltonian(Z, DP * machine.p0(), machine) / machine.p0()
plt.contourf(Z, DP, H, cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot_r'), levels=12,
zorder=0, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('$z$ [m]')
if cbar:
colorbar = plt.colorbar(label=r'$\mathcal{H}(z,\Delta p)\,/\,p_0$'), lw=2, c='b')
plt.contour(Z, DP, H, colors='b', linewidths=2, levels=[0])
Let's plot the Hamiltonian landscape on phase space:
Tracking just like last lecture:
n_turns = 500
deltap_ini = np.linspace(0, 0.01 * m.p0(), 20)
z_ini = np.zeros_like(deltap_ini)
N = len(z_ini)
assert (N == len(deltap_ini))
z = np.zeros((n_turns, N), dtype=np.float64)
deltap = np.zeros_like(z)
z[0] = z_ini
deltap[0] = deltap_ini
Record the evolution of energy $\gamma_\mathrm{ref}$ and also Hamiltonian values of particles during tracking:
gammas = np.zeros(n_turns, dtype=np.float64)
gammas[0] = m.gamma_ref
H_values = np.zeros_like(z)
H_values[0] = hamiltonian(z_ini, deltap_ini, m) / m.p0()
The tracking loop:
for i_turn in range(1, n_turns):
z[i_turn], deltap[i_turn] = track_one_turn(z[i_turn - 1], deltap[i_turn - 1], m)
gammas[i_turn] = m.gamma_ref
H_values[i_turn] = hamiltonian(z[i_turn], deltap[i_turn], m) / m.p0()
plt.scatter(z, deltap / m.p0(), marker='.', s=0.5)
plt.xlabel('$z$ [m]')
plt.ylabel('$\Delta p/p_0$')
plot_hamiltonian(m, zleft=-150, zright=50, dpmax=0.017)
plt.plot(H_values, c='C0');
plt.ylabel(r'$\mathcal{H}(z,\Delta p)\,/\,p_0$');
def plot_rf_overview():
z_range = np.linspace(-150, 40, num=1000)
# z location of unstable fixed point:
z_ufp = -m.circumference * (np.pi - 2 * m.phi_s) / (2 * np.pi * m.harmonic)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(6, 10), sharex=True)[0])
plt.plot(z_range, 1e-3 * m.voltage * np.sin(m.phi_s - 2 * np.pi * m.harmonic / m.circumference * z_range))
plt.axhline(0, c='gray', lw=2)
plt.axhline(1e-3 * m.voltage * np.sin(m.phi_s), c='purple', lw=2, ls='--')
plt.axvline(0, c='purple', lw=2)
plt.axvline(z_ufp, c='red', lw=2)
plt.ylabel('rf wave $V(z)$ [kV]')[1])
plt.plot(z_range, 1e6 * U(z_range, m) / m.p0())
plt.axhline(0, c='gray', lw=2)
plt.ylabel(r'$U(z)\,/\,p_0\cdot 10^6$')
plt.scatter([z_ufp], [0], marker='*', c='white', edgecolor='red', zorder=10)
plt.scatter([0], [U(0, m) / m.p0()], marker='d', c='white', edgecolor='purple', zorder=10)[2])
plot_hamiltonian(m, zleft=z_range[0], zright=z_range[-1], cbar=False)
plt.scatter([z_ufp], [0], marker='*', c='white', edgecolor='red', zorder=10)
plt.scatter([0], [0], marker='d', c='white', edgecolor='purple')
plt.xlabel('$z$ [m]')
return fig, ax
$\implies$ the closed area inside the blue separatrix is typically referred to as rf bucket!
$\implies$ please make sure you understand and note down the answers to these questions: the concepts are central to accelerator physics and relevant for the exam.
$\implies$ Bonus: determine the synchrotron tune from tracking simulations (using NAFF) and compare to the derived formula for $Q_s$!
Macro-particle simulation:
Linear Congruential Generator:
starting from random number seed $x_0$, generate pseudo-random sequence for integer variable $x$:
$$x_{k+1} = (a\cdot x_k + c)\quad\%\quad M$$where parameters $(a,c)$ and $M=2^m-1$ define the generator. $x$ lies on interval $[0,M)$ and attains at most $M$ values before starting over. Typical choice (Lewis, Goodman, and Miller in 1969):
$$\begin{cases}\, M &= 2^{31}-1 = 2147483647 \\ a &= 7^5 = 16807 \\ c &= 0 \end{cases}$$A pseudo-random number distributed uniformly on interval $[0,1)$ is then obtained via
$$\xi = \frac{x}{M}$$class RandomNumberGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, M, a, c, seed):
self.M = M
self.a = a
self.c = c
self.M = M
self.xk = seed
def generate(self):
xk1 = (self.a * self.xk + self.c) % self.M
self.xk = xk1
return xk1 / self.M
Instantiate the linear congruential generator by Lewis et al with a certain seed
prng_standard = RandomNumberGenerator(
M=2**31 - 1,
Generate a set of numbers from the sequence and analyse:
results = [prng_standard.generate() for i in range(10000)]
plt.scatter(results[:-1], results[1:], s=1, marker='.')
$\implies$ What happens when you change the parameters $M,a,c$?
Try e.g. $a=5$ or $M=2^{31}-2$...
Box-Muller Method: Generate $x,y$ with bi-variate Gaussian normal probability density function $f(x,y)=\frac{1}{2\pi}e^{\frac{1}{2}\left(x^2 + y^2\right)}$ from uniformly distributed random numbers $\xi_1,\xi_2\in[0,1)$,
$$\begin{align} x &= \sqrt{-2\ln(\xi_2)}\,\cos(2\pi\xi_1) \\ y &= \sqrt{-2\ln(\xi_2)}\,\sin(2\pi\xi_1) \end{align}$$which can be derived by direct inversion of the cumulative distribution function of $f$.
prng_1 = RandomNumberGenerator(
M=2**31 - 1,
prng_2 = RandomNumberGenerator(
M=2**31 - 1,
def generate_normal():
xi1 = prng_1.generate()
xi2 = prng_1.generate()
r = np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(xi2))
x = r * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xi1)
y = r * np.sin(2 * np.pi * xi1)
return x, y
results = np.array(
[generate_normal() for i in range(10000)]
plt.hist(results, bins=20);
The numpy
library implements all of these (based on a better behaved variant of the linear congruential generator):
plt.hist(np.random.normal(size=10000), bins=20);
Time-independent Hamiltonian system with bound states (state described by conjugate phase-space variables $q_i,p_i$ and the periodic dynamics by the Hamiltonian functional $\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}(q_i,p_i)$):
$\implies$ equilibrium particle density functions can be constructed in terms of the Hamiltonian $\mathcal{H}$:
$$\psi(z,\delta)=\psi(\mathcal{H})$$"Equilibrium" $=$ no variation of $\psi$ along time parameter i.e. path length $s$
$$\frac{d\psi(\mathcal{H})}{ds} = \frac{d\psi}{d\mathcal{H}}\cdot \underbrace{\frac{d\mathcal{H}}{ds}}\limits_{\mathop{\equiv} 0}=0$$In particle beam dynamics one often encounters these two equilibrium distribution functions:
h = np.linspace(0, 3, 100)
plt.plot(h, np.exp(-h), c='k', label='thermal')
plt.plot(h, np.heaviside(1 - h, 0), c='r', label='waterbag')
plt.xticks([0, 1], ['$\mathcal{H}_\mathrm{min}$', '$\mathcal{H}_0$'])
Let us start with the small-amplitude approximation and a stationary rf bucket below transition, $\varphi_s=0$: particles follow harmonic oscillation with
$$\mathcal{H}_\mathrm{stat,small}(z,\Delta p) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{-\eta}{p_0} \Delta p{}^2 + \frac{qV}{\beta c}\cdot \cfrac{\pi h}{C^2}\cdot z^2 $$The PDF of the thermal distribution becomes
$$\psi(\mathcal{H})\propto\exp\left(\frac{\mathcal{H}_{stat,small}}{\mathcal{H}_0}\right)=\exp\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{\frac{qV\,2\pi h}{\beta c C^2}}{\mathcal{H}_0}\cdot z^2\right) \cdot \exp\left(\frac{1}{2}\frac{-\eta/p_0}{\mathcal{H}_0}\cdot \Delta p^2\right)$$which is simply a bi-Gaussian distribution in $\Delta p$ and $z$!
The constant value $\mathcal{H}_0$ is determined by a choice of the rms bunch length $\sigma_z$ (or equivalently the rms momentum deviation $\sigma_\delta=\sigma_{\Delta p}/p_0$):
$$\mathcal{H}_0 = \mathcal{H}_\mathrm{stat,small}(\sigma_z,\Delta p=0) = \frac{qV}{\beta c}\cdot \cfrac{\pi h}{C^2}\cdot \sigma_z{}^2 \color{red}{\stackrel{!}{=}} \mathcal{H}_\mathrm{stat,small}(z=0,\sigma_{\Delta p}) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{-\eta}{p_0} \sigma_{\Delta p}{}^2$$$\implies$ as equilibrium condition, $\sigma_z$ and $\sigma_\delta$ are linked to each other via equal Hamiltonian values!
Initialise a bi-Gaussian distribution in the longitudinal phase-space plane for tracking!
Refer once more to the CERN PS scenario, below transition and in a stationary rf bucket:
m = Machine(gamma_ref=3.13, phi_s=0)
The length of the rf bucket corresponds to $C/h$:
m.circumference / m.harmonic
We choose an rms bunch length of $\sigma_z=10\,$m:
sigma_z = 10
The corresponding rms momentum difference $\sigma_{\Delta p}$ is given through the equilibrium condition (equal Hamiltonian values):
sigma_deltap = np.sqrt(
2 * m.p0() / -m.eta(0) *
charge * m.voltage * np.pi * m.harmonic / (beta(gamma(m.p0())) * c * m.circumference**2)
) * sigma_z
sigma_dp = sigma_deltap / m.p0()
plt.scatter([sigma_z, 0], [0, sigma_dp], marker='*', c='k');
Back to tracking, out of the box:
N = 1000
n_turns = 5000
z_ini = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_z, size=N)
deltap_ini = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_deltap, size=N)
z = np.zeros((n_turns, N), dtype=np.float64)
deltap = np.zeros_like(z)
z[0] = z_ini
deltap[0] = deltap_ini
for i_turn in trange(1, n_turns):
z[i_turn], deltap[i_turn] = track_one_turn(z[i_turn - 1], deltap[i_turn - 1], m)
Now let's return to the outlined Monte-Carlo approach, analysing the results in terms of statistical moments.
First the centroid:
plt.plot(np.mean(z, axis=1))
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle z \rangle$');
Then the rms beam size (bunch length):
plt.plot(np.std(z, axis=1))
Let's look at the generated initial distribution of macro-particles:
plt.scatter(z[0], deltap[0] / m.p0(), marker='.', s=1);
$\implies$ particles have been generated outside the rf bucket!
A solution to the problem of generating particles outside the separatrix: reject them at generation!
$\leadsto$ a word of caution: this approach modifies the effective distribution function (and the correspondingly generated effective rms values $\sigma_z, \sigma_\delta$ become smaller)!
z_ini = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_z, size=N)
deltap_ini = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_deltap, size=N)
Hamiltonian values of particles outside separatrix are positive (below transition), $\mathcal{H}>0$ (using the full nonlinear Hamiltonian)!
NB: Due to the discrete kicks in the finite difference maps, the Hamiltonian is only an approximation for the separatrix: better remain at a few percent distance inside of it!
H_safetymargin = 0.05 * hamiltonian(0, 0, m)
H_values = hamiltonian(z_ini, deltap_ini, m) - H_safetymargin
while any(H_values >= 0):
mask_bad = H_values >= 0
N_bad = np.sum(mask_bad)
print (N_bad)
# re-initialise bad particles:
z_ini[mask_bad] = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_z, size=N_bad)
deltap_ini[mask_bad] = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma_deltap, size=N_bad)
# re-evaluate rejection condition
H_values = hamiltonian(z_ini, deltap_ini, m) - H_safetymargin
Now we should be good to go!
plt.scatter(z_ini, deltap_ini / m.p0(), marker='.', s=1);
Tracking again...
z = np.zeros((n_turns, N), dtype=np.float64)
deltap = np.zeros_like(z)
z[0] = z_ini
deltap[0] = deltap_ini
for i_turn in trange(1, n_turns):
z[i_turn], deltap[i_turn] = track_one_turn(z[i_turn - 1], deltap[i_turn - 1], m)
Looking again at the centroid:
plt.plot(np.mean(z, axis=1))
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle z \rangle$');
Then the rms bunch length:
plt.plot(np.std(z, axis=1))
$\implies$ try larger choices of initial $\sigma_z$ and see where the bunch length evolution saturates.
$\leadsto$ another problem with initialising Gaussian distributions: at larger amplitudes $z$, the small-amplitude approximation with $\mathcal{H}_\mathrm{stat,small}$ necessarily breaks down! A Gaussian particle distribution is not in equilibrium for sufficiently large rms values in a nonlinear potential, the particles will filament! (...and the rms emittance will grow, as one can observe in the final equilibrium rms bunch length which is larger than the initial $\sigma_z$!)
$\implies$ generally require full nonlinear Hamiltonian $\mathcal{H}$ to construct PDF
$$\psi(\mathcal{H})\propto\exp\left(\cfrac{\mathcal{H}}{\mathcal{H}_0}\right)$$Define statistical rms emittance as in Lecture 2:
def emittance(z, deltap):
N = len(z)
# subtract centroids
z = z - 1/N * np.sum(z)
deltap = deltap - 1/N * np.sum(deltap)
# compute Σ matrix entries
z_sq = 1/N * np.sum(z * z)
deltap_sq = 1/N * np.sum(deltap * deltap)
crossterm = 1/N * np.sum(z * deltap)
# determinant of Σ matrix
epsilon = np.sqrt(z_sq * deltap_sq - crossterm * crossterm)
return epsilon
epsn_z = np.array([emittance(z_i, deltap_i) for z_i, deltap_i in zip(z, deltap)])
plt.plot(epsn_z / e)
plt.ylabel('$\epsilon_z$ [eV.s]');
$\implies$ try larger choices of initial $\sigma_z$ and observe how the emittance evolves.