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Imports and modules:
from config import (np, plt, hamiltonian,
plot_hamiltonian, solve_leapfrog, dt)
import PyNAFF
%matplotlib inline
Non-linearities in particle dynamics can originate from e.g.:
Effects can be varied and quite dramatic! $\implies$ require understanding of nonlinear dynamics to optimise design and operation of many accelerator systems!
Design accelerator based on linear quasi-periodic oscillations $\implies$ focusing around reference particle, phase-space trajectory should be an ellipse!
Non-linearities in beam lines can have several effects:
Tentative definition:
but chaos is not:
$\implies$ motion not predictable despite of deterministic dynamics! (correct initial condition? numerical precision? ...)
$\implies$ cannot exclude sudden changes of amplitude on long-term time scales (synchrotron storage times) from short-term simulations in case of chaotic motion!
Necessary condition: non-linearity
"The exponential divergence or convergence of nearby trajectories (Lyapunov exponents) is conceptually the most basic indicator of deterministic chaos."
M. Sano and Y. Sawada (1985)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1082
One possible conceptual approach:
Consider two nearby trajectories $\zeta_1, \zeta_2$ evolving over path length $s$:
Chaotic behaviour if distance grows or shrinks exponentially:
$$|\zeta_1(s_0 + s) - \zeta_2(s_0 + s)| = \underbrace{|\zeta_1(s_0) - \zeta_2(s_0)|}\limits_{\Delta\zeta(s_0)} \cdot e^{\lambda_1 s}$$$\implies$ $\lambda_1$: maximum Lyapunov exponent
When chaotic: perturbation aligns along direction of strongest expansion (or weakest contraction), associated with maximum Lyupunov exponent
$\implies$ orthogonal directions for further Lyapunov exponents $\lambda_i$
$\implies$ as many $\lambda_i$ as phase-space coordinates
Studied by E. Lorenz in 1963 for atmospheric convection:
Lorenz used $\sigma=10, \beta=\frac{8}{3}, \rho=28$ and investigated chaotic motion.
Two identical Lorenz oscillators with initial conditions. Second oscillator is slightly perturbed ($10^{-14}$) at $t = 30$:
N = 11
thetas = np.linspace(0, 0.99 * np.pi, 11)
ps = np.zeros_like(thetas)
plt.scatter(thetas, ps, c='b', marker='.')
Numerical integration of equations of motion for distribution of pendulums, using leapfrog (drift+kick+drift):
n_steps = 1000
results_thetas = np.zeros((n_steps, N), dtype=np.float32)
results_thetas[0] = thetas
results_ps = np.zeros((n_steps, N), dtype=np.float32)
results_ps[0] = ps
for k in range(1, n_steps):
results_thetas[k], results_ps[k] = solve_leapfrog(results_thetas[k - 1], results_ps[k - 1])
plt.scatter(results_thetas, results_ps, c='b', marker='.', s=1)
Let us investigate the unbounded, continuously rotating pendulum, with an energy just above the separatrix value:
N = 2
thetas = np.pi * np.ones(N, dtype=np.float32)
ps = np.linspace(0.01, 0.05, N)
results_thetas2 = np.zeros((n_steps, N), dtype=np.float32)
results_thetas2[0] = thetas
results_ps2 = np.zeros((n_steps, N), dtype=np.float32)
results_ps2[0] = ps
for k in range(1, n_steps):
results_thetas2[k], results_ps2[k] = solve_leapfrog(results_thetas2[k - 1], results_ps2[k - 1])
We plot subsequent passages with the ever increasing $\theta$ projected to the interval $\bigl[0, 2\pi\bigr)$ :
plt.scatter(results_thetas2 % (2 * np.pi), results_ps2, c='b', marker='.', s=1)
plt.scatter([np.pi], [0], c='r', marker='o')
plt.xlim(np.pi - 0.1, np.pi + 0.1)
plt.ylim(-0.01, 0.1)
$\implies$ Observation near the red unstable fixed point:
The phase-space trajectory becomes non-regular!
$\implies$ The discrete pendulum dynamics features chaotic motion.
(The discrete pendulum equations are also known as the Chirikov standard map.)
First investigate around stable fixed point $\theta=0$, $p=0$.
(Later come back here and investigate the around unstable fixed point $\theta=\pi$, $p=0$.)
dist = 1e-10
thetas = np.pi * np.ones(N, dtype=np.float64) # change this line
ps = np.array([0.001, 0.001 + dist], dtype=np.float64)
n_steps = 100000
results_thetas3 = np.zeros((n_steps, N), dtype=np.float64)
results_thetas3[0] = thetas
results_ps3 = np.zeros((n_steps, N), dtype=np.float64)
results_ps3[0] = ps
for k in range(1, n_steps):
results_thetas3[k], results_ps3[k] = solve_leapfrog(results_thetas3[k - 1], results_ps3[k - 1])
plt.plot(results_thetas3[:, 0], label='$p_{ini}$')
plt.plot(results_thetas3[:, 1], label='$p_{ini} + \Delta p_{ini}$')
# plt.xlim(100000-1000, 100000)
plt.xlabel('Steps $k$')
results_dist = np.sqrt(
(results_thetas3[:, 1] - results_thetas3[:, 0])**2 +
(results_ps3[:, 1] - results_ps3[:, 0])**2
plt.xlabel('Steps $k$')
plt.ylabel('Phase-space distance');
$\implies$ how do you interpret this picture?
Exercise: Go back and investigate the distance evolution for two trajectories near to the unstable fixed point!
Nearly exponential increase over two periods (first 4000 steps), then bounded by system size.
Local Maximum Lyapunov exponent estimated by simple linear regression:
$$\lambda_1 \approx \mathrm{slope}\left(\frac{1}{k\Delta t} \ln\left(\frac{|(\theta_2,p_2)-(\theta_1,p_1)|}{10^{-10}}\right)\right)$$B, A = np.polyfit(
y=np.log(results_dist[:4000] / dist),
plt.plot(results_dist[:4000] / dist)
plt.plot(np.exp(B * np.arange(n_steps)[:4000] + A))
Use NAFF algorithm as early indicator of chaotic motion in periodic systems:
Further reading: "Introduction to Frequency Map Analysis" by J. Laskar in Hamiltonian Systems with Three or More Degrees of Freedom, Springer (1999), pp. 134-150
Precession of Earth is stabilised by presence of Moon:
Frequency Map Analysis (FMA) to identify diffusion due to non-linear resonances:
$\implies$ always seek to maximise dynamic aperture in accelerators
$\implies$ use of "early chaos indicators" such as Lyapunov exponents or FMA: identification and mitigation/correction of sources
Can we detect frequency diffusion for the discrete pendulum?
n_steps = 100000
theta_ini = np.pi - 0.001
p_ini = 0
results_thetas4 = np.zeros(n_steps, dtype=np.float64)
results_thetas4[0] = theta_ini
results_ps4 = np.zeros(n_steps, dtype=np.float64)
results_ps4[0] = p_ini
for k in range(1, n_steps):
results_thetas4[k], results_ps4[k] = solve_leapfrog(results_thetas4[k - 1], results_ps4[k - 1])
plt.xlim(0, 1000)
plt.xlabel('Steps $k$')
window_length = 1000
freqs_naff = []
for signal in results_thetas4.reshape((n_steps // window_length, window_length)):
freq_naff = PyNAFF.naff(signal - np.mean(signal), turns=window_length, nterms=1)[0, 1]
freqs_naff += [freq_naff]
plt.plot(np.arange(0, n_steps, window_length), freqs_naff, ls='none', marker='.')
plt.xlabel('Steps $k$')
plt.ylabel('NAFF determined frequency');
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
Represent real numbers $r\in\mathbb{R}$ on computers by "floats":
Todays standard: IEEE 754
$r=\pm a \times 2^{e}$
e.g. a "single-precision" float (FP32):
Floating point representation of numbers on computers $\leadsto$ numerical artefacts:
Smallest "machine" precision in resolving real numbers: $2^{-t}$
Think about what this means for simulating long-term dynamics, e.g. for LHC storage times...
The python library mpmath
works with arbitrary numerical precision (workdps
for decimal precision):
import mpmath as mp
with mp.workdps(7):
x = mp.mpf(10) / 9 # == 1.11...
for _ in range(30):
print (x)
x = (x - 1) * 10
1.111111 1.111111 1.11111 1.111104 1.111045 1.110449 1.104488 1.044884 0.4488373 -5.511627 -65.11627 -661.1627 -6621.627 -66226.27 -662272.7 -6622737.0 -6.622738e+7 -6.622738e+8 -6.622738e+9 -6.622738e+10 -6.622738e+11 -6.622738e+12 -6.622738e+13 -6.622738e+14 -6.622738e+15 -6.622738e+16 -6.622738e+17 -6.622738e+18 -6.622738e+19 -6.622738e+20